The LC-Lightbox is a jQuery image Gallery with thumbnails and Zoom. This feature-rich gallery comes with ultimate features/options including thumbnails, touch-enabled, zoom, slideshow, sliding animations, and much more.
Code Features
- Touch Enabled.
- Ajax ready.
- Image Caption.
- Full Screen Enabled.
- CSS Animations.
- Thumbnails navigation.
- Lightbox / Modal Mode… and much more
How to Create Image Gallery with Thumbnails and Zoom
1. To get started with LC-Lightbox, load the jQuery, AlloyFinger
and other necessary assets into your HTML page.
<!-- jQuery --> <script src=""></script> <!-- AlloyFinger JS --> <script src="lib/AlloyFinger/alloy_finger.min.js"></script> <!-- LC Lightbox Js --> <script src="js/lc_lightbox.lite.js"></script> <!-- LC Lightbox CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/lc_lightbox.css" /> <!-- Skin CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="skins/minimal.css" />
3. Create the HTML structure for the image gallery like below and add your image links.
<div class="content"> <a class="elem" href="" title="image 1" data-lcl-txt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" data-lcl-author="someone" data-lcl-thumb=""> <span style="background-image: url(;"></span> </a> <a class="elem" href="" title="image 2" data-lcl-txt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" data-lcl-author="someone" data-lcl-thumb=""> <span style="background-image: url(;"></span> </a> <a class="elem" href="" title="image 3" data-lcl-txt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" data-lcl-author="someone" data-lcl-thumb=""> <span style="background-image: url(;"></span> </a> <a class="elem" href="" title="image 4" data-lcl-txt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" data-lcl-author="someone" data-lcl-thumb=""> <span style="background-image: url(;"></span> </a> <a class="elem" href="" title="image 5" data-lcl-txt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" data-lcl-author="someone" data-lcl-thumb=""> <span style="background-image: url(;"></span> </a> <a class="elem" href="" title="image 6" data-lcl-txt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" data-lcl-author="someone" data-lcl-thumb=""> <span style="background-image: url(;"></span> </a> <br/><br/> </div> </div>
4. Initialize the plugin in the jQuery document ready function to activate the image gallery with thumbnails and zoom.
$(document).ready(function(e) { lc_lightbox('.elem', { wrap_class: 'lcl_fade_oc', gallery : true, thumb_attr: 'data-lcl-thumb', skin: 'minimal', radius: 0, padding : 0, border_w: 0, }); });
Advanced Configuration Options
5. The following are all available options (and callback functions) to fully customize the LC Lightbox.
lc_lightbox('.elem', { gallery : true, // whether to display a single element or compose a gallery gallery_hook : 'rel', // attribute grouping elements - use false to create a gallery with all fetched elements live_elements : true, // if a selector is found, set true to handle automatically DOM changes preload_all : false, // whether to preload all images on document ready global_type : 'image', src_attr : 'href', // attribute containing element's source title_attr : 'title', // attribute containing the title - is possible to specify a selector with this syntax: "> .selector" or "> span" txt_attr : 'data-lcl-txt', // attribute containing the description - is possible to specify a selector with this syntax: "> .selector" or "> span" author_attr : 'data-lcl-author', // attribute containing the author - is possible to specify a selector with this syntax: "> .selector" or "> span" slideshow : true, // whether to enable slideshow open_close_time : 400, // animation duration for lightbox opening and closing / 1000 = 1sec ol_time_diff : 100, // overlay's animation advance (on opening) and delay (on close) to window / 1000 = sec fading_time : 80, // elements fading animation duration in millisecods / 1000 = 1sec animation_time : 250, // sizing animation duration in millisecods / 1000 = 1sec slideshow_time : 6000, // slideshow interval duration in milliseconds / 1000 = 1sec autoplay : false, // autoplay slideshow - bool counter : false, // whether to display elements counter progressbar : true, // whether to display a progressbar when slideshow runs carousel : true, // whether to create a non-stop pagination cycling elements max_width : '93%', // Lightbox maximum width. Use a responsive percent value or an integer for static pixel value max_height : '93%', // Lightbox maximum height. Use a responsive percent value or an integer for static pixel value wrap_padding : false, // set lightbox wrapping padding. Useful to maintain spaces using px max-sizes. Use a CSS value (string) ol_opacity : 0.7, // overlay opacity / value between 0 and 1 ol_color : '#111', // background color of the overlay ol_pattern : false, // overlay patterns - insert the pattern name or false border_w : 0, // width of the lightbox border in pixels border_col : '#ddd', // color of the lightbox border padding : 0, // width of the lightbox padding in pixels radius : 0, // lightbox border radius in pixels shadow : true, // whether to apply a shadow around lightbox window remove_scrollbar: true, // whether to hide page's vertical scroller wrap_class : '', // custom classes added to wrapper - for custom styling/tracking skin : 'light', // light / dark / custom data_position : 'over', // over / under / lside / rside cmd_position : 'inner', // inner / outer ins_close_pos : 'normal', // set closing button position for inner commands - normal/corner nav_btn_pos : 'normal', // set arrows and play/pause position - normal/middle txt_hidden : 500, // whether to hide texts on lightbox opening - bool or int (related to browser's smaller side) show_title : true, // bool / whether to display titles show_descr : true, // bool / whether to display descriptions show_author : true, // bool / whether to display authors thumbs_nav : true, // enables thumbnails navigation (requires elements poster or images) tn_icons : true, // print type icons on thumbs if types are mixed tn_hidden : 500, // whether to hide thumbs nav on lightbox opening - bool or int (related to browser's smaller side) thumbs_w : 110, // width of the thumbs for the standard lightbox thumbs_h : 110, // height of the thumbs for the standard lightbox thumb_attr : false, // attribute containing thumb URL to use or false to use thumbs maker thumbs_maker_url: false, // script baseurl to create thumbnails (use src=%URL% w=%W% h=%H%) fullscreen : false, // Allow the user to expand a resized image. true/false fs_img_behavior : 'fit', // resize mode of the fullscreen image - smart/fit/fill fs_only : 500, // when directly open in fullscreen mode - bool or int (related to browser's smaller side) browser_fs_mode : true, // whether to trigger or nor browser fullscreen mode socials : false, // bool fb_direct_share : false, // bool / whether to use direct FB contents share (requires APP ID to be specified) txt_toggle_cmd : true, // bool / allow text hiding download : false, // bool / whether to add download button touchswipe : true, // bool / Allow touch interactions for mobile (requires AlloyFinger) mousewheel : true, // bool / Allow elements navigation with mousewheel modal : false, // enable modal mode (no closing on overlay click) rclick_prevent : false, // whether to avoid right click on lightbox elems_parsed : function() {}, html_is_ready : function() {}, on_open : function() {}, on_elem_switch : function() {}, slideshow_start : function() {}, slideshow_end : function() {}, on_fs_enter : function() {}, on_fs_exit : function() {}, on_close : function() {}, });
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully created an image gallery with thumbnails and zoom features. If you have any questions or facing any issues, feel free to comment below.
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Thanks for sharing this wonderful tutorial on creating an image gallery with thumbnails and zoom capability. I was able to implement it on my website and it’s working like a charm! Your code is very well-explained and easy to follow.