10 best jquery menu plugins for your website / blog

Here is a collection of top 10 best jQuery menu plugins that will definitely fit in your website / app project.

In this jQuery & CSS based menu collection, I’m going to share different types of menu including mega menu, off canvas, multilevel, drop-down and side menu etc. These menus are published on CodeHim, you can browse more in menu category.

These menu are created by different professional web developers around the world. However, these are absolutely free to use, customize and modify according to your needs.

1. MA5 Menu Mobile-Friendly Sliding Mega Menu with CSS and jQuery

This mega menu plugin especially designed for both desktop & mobile devices with cool sliding animations. The plugin creates mobile-friendly, off-canvas, sliding mega menu with having option to open from left or right.

Mobile-Friendly Sliding Mega Menu with CSS and jQuery

2. HC Off-Canvas Nav jQuery Multi-Level Navigation Mega Menu

HC Off-Canvas Nav is a CSS and jQuery based mega menu plugin that helps you to create an awesome, mutli features, cross browser and cross platform menu. This jQuery plugin creates toggled off-canvas multi-level navigation mega menu that offers unlimited nesting of sub-menu elements.

Multi-Level Navigation Mega Menu - HC Off-Canvas Nav

3. Bootnavbar Bootstrap 4 Multi Level Hover Dropdown Menu

An awesome Bootstrap 4 multi level hover dropdown menu for your website. The jQuery BootNavbar plugin extends the native Bootstrap 4 navbar into a responsive multi-level dropdown menu.

Bootstrap 4 Multi Level Hover Dropdown Menu

4. Bootstrap Megamenu Responsive Mega Menu on Hover

An awesome, cross-platform and cross browser Bootstrap 4 responsive mega menu on hover. This mega menu mainly powered by Bootstrap framework and jQuery that comes with smooth CSS transitions and animations, best for content heavy websites.

Bootstrap 4 Responsive Mega Menu on Hover

5. Pushy jQuery Off Canvas Menu with Submenu

Pushy is a responsive and cross-browser jQuery plugin that lets you to create off canvas menu with sub-menu. It push the main content when menu open, you can set its drawer position (left or right) and much more.

Off Canvas Menu with Submenu - jQuery Pushy

6. Top Sliding Nav Fixed Top Navigation on Scroll with jQuery

Top sliding Nav is a cross-browser, fully responsive and multi screen navigation system based on jQuery and other JavaScript libraries. You can create sliding fixed top navigation on scroll with the help of this jQuery and CSS plugin / code snippet.

Sliding Fixed Top Navigation on Scroll with jQuery

7. Kite Menu jQuery Hamburger Navigation Menu with Search box

A responsive, easy to use CSS3 & jQuery based hamburger navigation menu with search box. The menu comes with +7 built-in CSS gradients color schemes for Menu and one CSS animated hamburger. The icon that convert into cross while menu opened.

jQuery Hamburger Navigation Menu with Search box

8. Sticky Navbar Sticky Navigation Bar on Scroll with jQuery

Ultra lightweight and simple jQuery plugin that creates sticky navigation bar on scroll. The core part of navigation designed with CSS and simply fixed on top on window scroll event with a few lines of jQuery.

Sticky Navigation Bar on Scroll with jQuery

9. Hamburger Dropdown Menu with Bootstrap and jQuery

An Awesome hamburger dropdown menu created with bootstrap 4 CSS and jQuery. There are two built in (dark & light) themes for this hamburger menu.

hamburger dropdown with bootstrap

10. jSide Menu jQuery Side Navigation Menu with Dropdowns

jSide Menu is a well designed, responsive side navigation menu with dropdowns. The plugin offers to create cross-platform, mobile-friendly off-canvas navigation system for responsive website projects.

jSide Menu jQuery Side Navigation Menu with Dropdowns

1 thought on “10 best jquery menu plugins for your website / blog”

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