Zebra Dialog

a small, compact, and highly configurable jQuery plugin for creating modal dialog boxes

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Confirm Dialog with Yes No options

Click here to open.
                    new $.Zebra_Dialog(
                        "We can set as many buttons as we want and we can handle the user's choice though the callback " +
                        "function attached to the onClose event.

See the next example to handle " + "user's choice in a different way.", { type: "question", title: "Custom buttons", buttons: ["Yes", "No", "Help"], onClose: function(caption) { // notice that we use the button's label to determine which button was clicked // "caption" will be empty when the dialog box is closed by pressing ESC, by clicking the // dialog box's close button, or by clicking the overlay new $.Zebra_Dialog((caption != "" ? "\"" + caption + "\"" : "nothing") + " was clicked", { auto_close: 2000, buttons: false, modal: false, position: ["center", "center"] }); } } );
Note that the onClose event is executed after the dialog box is closed! See the next example for executing functions before the closing of the dialog box